Code Of Conduct


Safety, Respect, Integrity, Stand Togetherness and Result-oriented are the core values and principles at the very heart of G.O.I ENERGY.

Safety is always our top priority. We want our employees, our host communities and everyone in our value chain to feel safe.

We comply with all national and international laws and standards governing our activities. We abide by the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises as well as the principles of the United Nations Global Compact. In the event of a conflict between legal standards and our Code of Conduct, we apply the more stringent standard.


Respect for G.O.I ENERGY means respect for each other, respect for universal human rights, respect for the environment and health, consistent with our strategy of responsible, sustainable development.

Thus, people are our core focus of our collective undertaking, valuing diversity and paying attention to the quality of employee dialogue within the Group.

We want G.O.I ENERGY to be a great place to work in every region we operate.


We maintain a policy of zero tolerance for fraud of any kind, particularly bribery and corruption, influence peddling and violations of antitrust law.

We are aware of our social and environmental responsibilities. We plan and act to achieve the Group’s Sustainable Development Goals applying the highest standards of corporate governance with credible and transparent processes.

At G.O.I ENERGY we respect the rights of local communities by identifying, preventing and mitigating any impact on their environment and culture. We systematically establish dialogue to foster lasting relationships and we are mindful of opportunities for community development. Our grievance procedures and corrective measures are based on international and European best practices.


At G.O.I ENERGY we respect the rights of local communities by identifying, preventing and mitigating any impact on their environment and culture.

We systematically establish dialogue to foster lasting relationships and we are mindful of opportunities for community development. Our grievance procedures and corrective measures are based on international and European best practices.